Property area De Angeli

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DE ANGELI, MILANO, Apartment for rent of 75 Sq. mt., Habitable, Heating Centralized, Energetic class: F, Epi: 129 kwh/m2 year, placed at 2° on 4,
€ 1.300

Apartment habitable in Milano

Area de Angeli Milano (mi)
DE ANGELI, MILANO, Apartment for rent of 75 Sq. mt., Habitable, Heating Centralized, Energetic class: F, Epi: 129 kwh/m2 year, placed at 2° on 4, …continue…
Rif. 2lk Correggio55
75 sq. mt.
2 Rooms
1 bedroom
1 bathroom

€ 1.300